About Us
Welcome to ACOM, your trusted provider of innovative payment solutions.
With a focus on delivering exceptional value, quality, and customer satisfaction, we pride ourselves on being a leader in the industry. Since our inception, we have been serving over 4,000 customers across various industries, and our solutions are designed to meet the unique needs of businesses in these sectors, allowing them to streamline their operations, enhance security, and achieve cost savings.
Learn more about what makes ACOM a company you can rely on for all your printing and secure payment processing needs.
- Over 40 years of experience: our experience combined with our ongoing commitment to Research & Development has secured ACOM's position as a leader in the printing industry. We are a long-term leader you can count on to be there for you.
- Satisfaction Guaranteed: With ACOM, you are protected by our industry-leading 100% Warranty on every ACOM Brand toner cartridge, and our 30-day Total Satisfaction Guarantee. Relax when you buy from ACOM, your purchase is backed by a REAL company, not someone running a start-up business out of their garage.
- ACOM serves more than 4,000 customers with document management and payment solutions across industries such as Financial, Government, Insurance, Manufacturing and Distribution, Logistics, Telecommunications, Healthcare, Hospitality, Gaming and many more. We provide the level of quality and professionalism that our larger customers such as Sony and TransAmerica demand, and the kind of value that our smaller customers have come to depend on.
- We are strategic partners with some very prestigious firms (Xerox, IBM, Relizon, etc) as well as leading ERP software application vendors (QAD, Epicor, Lawson, Oracle, Sungard/HTE, SSA, etc). They know ACOM is a company they can depend on for innovation and quality.
- Single Source Solution: ACOM is a true single-source provider, for all your payment and document processing needs. In addition to Printer Supplies (MICR toner, laser toner, inkjet, color toner, check stock, envelopes, cards, and printer maintenance kits), ACOM engineers MICR Laser Printers, Check-Printing Software, and Electronic Payment Software, and provides our customers with the Technical Support and Professional Services to ensure our solutions meet or exceed your needs. When you're ready to simplify, take care of it all with one company.
ACOM corporate headquarters are in Long Beach, CA (800) 891-7899 or emai lconsumables@acombusiness.com.